Raising Saints Blog

Positive Affirmation For Kids | From A Christian Perspective

Mar 25, 2024
Positive Affirmation for Kids


In this article, we will explore the importance of being kind and compassionate to ourselves, especially during difficult times. As Christians, we are often quick to show love and support to others, but we may struggle to extend the same grace to ourselves. We will discuss the two extremes of being too hard on ourselves and being too lenient, and how finding a balance is key. Additionally, we will delve into the concept of having a best friend in our guardian angel and the significance of praying to them daily. Let's dive in!

Being Kind to Ourselves

Imagine if a close friend of yours was going through a tough time. You would likely be there for them, offering comfort and support. But when it comes to our own struggles, we often find ourselves being harsh and unsympathetic. We tend to be much kinder to others than we are to ourselves. It's important to recognize this discrepancy and make an effort to treat ourselves with the same compassion we show to others.

Finding Balance

There are two extremes when it comes to how we treat ourselves. On one end, we can be overly critical, never acknowledging the good we do and lacking self-compassion. On the other end, we can let ourselves get away with anything and everything, avoiding any opposition or growth. The key is to find a balance between these two extremes.

St. Francis De sales wisely said, "Have patience with all things, especially yourself." This quote reminds us to be patient with ourselves, especially during difficult times. It's important to recognize that we are in a challenging situation, but also to be patient and kind to ourselves as we navigate through it.

Compassion in the Bible

When we look at the life of Jesus, we see a perfect example of compassion. Jesus preached, healed, and did the work of God with great love and compassion. He showed kindness and understanding to those who were trapped in their sin. Even when Peter, one of His closest disciples, acknowledged his own sinfulness, Jesus responded with words of comfort and reassurance.

The phrase "Be not Afraid" appears 365 times in the Bible. This repetition emphasizes the importance of not living in fear. As baptized Christians, we have something that Satan, the ultimate enemy, can never have - the status of being a child of God. Satan wants nothing more than to see us fall, but we have the power to resist him and live in the love and grace of God.

Praying to Our Guardian Angel

As baptized Christians, we have a best friend from the moment we are born - our guardian angel. Our guardian angel is there to protect, guide, and encourage us. It is important to make an effort to pray to our guardian angel daily. They are a source of strength and support, especially during challenging times.

  1. In conclusion, it is crucial to be kind and compassionate to ourselves, just as we would be to others. Finding a balance between being too hard on ourselves and being too lenient is key. St. Francis Deale's wise words remind us to have patience with ourselves, especially during difficult times. Jesus exemplified compassion in His actions and teachings, showing kindness to those trapped in sin. The phrase "Be not Afraid" appears 365 times in the Bible, emphasizing the importance of not living in fear. As baptized Christians, we have a best friend in our guardian angel, who is there to protect, guide, and encourage us. Praying to our guardian angel daily is a powerful way to seek their support and strength. Let us remember to be kind and patient with ourselves, honoring and glorifying God in all that we do.

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